Benefits of beer: Why all Australians should drink more

Author: Alex Hamilton
Updated: 23 Feb 2024
It goes without saying that Aussies love their beer, but did you know that drinking moderate amounts of beer can actually be good for you? As if you needed more reasons to drink beer, here are 10 surprising benefits to the beer drinking habit.
1. Help prevent cancer
An Italian study focused on the effects of polyphenols in beer on cancer cells found that when the cells were exposed to beer, there was significant reduction in their viability after just 48 hours. While beer may not be a cure for cancer, prevention is certainly a good reason to drink up!
2. Lower risk of heart attack
A study done in Sweden found that moderate beer drinkers had a 30-per cent lower risk of heart attack than those who drank heavily or did not drink beer at all. Cheers to that!
3. Boost your antioxidants
Lovers of dark beer rejoice!
Like red wines, darker beers, like stouts and porters, are high in antioxidants. These chemicals can help stave off aging and other health issues related to inflammation and cell deterioration.
4. Refresh after a workout
If you enjoy exercising, a beer could be just the thing to help you bounce back after a tough workout. Because beer is high in carbohydrates, it helps to replenish your energy stores. Let a cold one be your motivation to hit the gym!
5. Lower blood pressure
When you drink beer, it helps to thin your blood, which can lower your risk of high blood pressure, blood clots and other complications. It also lowers your levels of bad cholesterol, which can help to prevent blockages in your arteries.
6. Stave off osteoporosis
Silicon in beer can help your bones to stay healthy and strong. However, it is important to stick to no more than two beers per day, as drinking more than that can actually have the opposite effect (but lets keep that last part a secret).
7. Keep your scalp flake-free
If you are prone to dandruff, rinsing your hair with beer a few times a week can help fight off flakes. Of course, you’re welcome to drink a beer while you wash as well! As an added bonus, your hair will be extra shiny and soft afterwards. Be sure to rinse well so you don’t smell like a brewery, though.
8. Prevent kidney stones
Drinking moderate amounts of beer can reduce your risk of kidney stones by about 40 per cent. The hops in the beer prevent your bones from releasing excess calcium, which can form kidney stones. So, drink up!
9. Relax and unwind
At the end of a long day, knocking back a cold one can help you get into a more relaxed state of mind. What a great way to end your day, especially if you enjoy your brew with some good mates.
10. It just tastes good
With so many varieties of beer on the market today, there is something for everyone, so you are sure to find the perfect beer to suit your taste. Even if you aren’t drinking to get a buzz, you can still enjoy a delicious beverage!
Of course, to get all of these benefits and more, it is important to keep your consumption to a moderate level. This means no more than two drinks per day. Of course, it’s okay if you go a bit overboard from time to time but try to keep it to a reasonable level on a regular basis to get the greatest benefits.
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