Canadian 3 Man drinking game

Game Type: Dice
Drinking Intensity: Moderate
Game Difficulty: Easy
Players: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8+
Required: 2 Dice
Ready for an up over twist on the down under version of 3 man?
Contributed by one our friend up in Canada (Ryan), Canadian 3 Man offers a unique twist on the classic 3 Man drinking game played here in Australia.
Give it a try and let us know what you think!
How to play Canadian 3 Man
To start the game, each player rolls a single die.
The first person to roll a 3 is now Canadian 3 Man.
From here, play continues to the left.
Each turn, you continue to roll until you make a dead roll (your roll doesn’t match any rules below). Once you make a dead roll, you pass the dice to the left so the game can continue.
Dice number rules
- Roll 3 doubles on your turn: Make a rule which is then in place until the end of the game.
- Roll a 3 on single die: Canadian 3 Man Drinks.
- Roll a double: Give away that number of drinks (one person or split amongst players).
- Roll double 3’s: Canadian 3 man drinks 2. Roller gives out 3 drinks.
- Roll a 1 & 1: Sociable. Everyone Drinks.
- Roll a 4 & 1: Touch your nose with the same hand as roller. Last person drinks.
- Roll a 5 & 1: Touch your ear with the same hand as roller. Last person drinks.
- Roll a 7 total: Person left of roller drinks (called 7 ahead).
- Roll a 11 total: Person right of roller drinks (called 11 behind).
Anything else is a dead roll. Your turns is over. Play continues to the left.
Hand over Canadian 3 Man title
To stop being Canadian 3 Man, the player who is currently Canadian 3 Man must roll a 3 on one of the dice during their turn.
From there, they can pass the title of Canadian 3 Man to whomever they choose (it’s most beneficial to give to the player behind you, as it has to go around the table before they get a chance to get out of being Canadian 3 Man).
When the new Canadian 3 Man is decided that person must drink.
The old Canadian 3 Man can continue rolling until they get a dead roll.
Ending the game
Anyone can call the game over at any time.
Everyone except the Canadian 3 man.
Drinking game by Alex Hamilton
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